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Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology - Chemical Engineering, BSc (Tech)

Aalto University, Finland

Aalto University

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BSc (Tech)Full-time3 yearsfind outfind outfind out

About Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology - Chemical Engineering, BSc (Tech) - at Aalto University

Local and global challenges caused by global warming, pandemic events, or over consumption are becoming more and more complex and urgent. Interdisciplinary actions are needed to solve them. The Chemical Engineering major offers a highly multidisciplinary education including mathematics, computational tools, chemistry, biochemistry, life sciences, and chemical engineering. This program will provide you with a modern chemical engineering background that allows you to contribute to the development of solutions for a more sustainable future society. This unique combination of skills opens up exciting future career opportunities in academic or cooperate research, applied engineering, or management. A chemical engineer with a responsible mindset can have a huge positive impact on the quality of lives for many and help to protect our environment.

Entry requirements for this course

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